Local Open Mic Jam Nights:

Bangalow Pub – 7PM Tuesday’s

Lennox Pub – Late till late, Thursday Nights

The Beach Hotel – 8PM Tuesday’s

The Byron Bay Brewery – 7:30PM Wednesday’s

Currumbin Rsl – Acoustic Sessions

Middle Pub Mullumbimby – 3PM Sunday

Community Hall Performance Nights:

Rous Mill Road Hall (Milling Around)

Tintenbar Upfront, at Tintenbar Hall http://www.tintenbarupfront.com/

Stokers Siding15 Minutes of Fame – Community event each first Friday of the month excluding January.

Come to Summersong Music Camp- 2018  – summersongmusiccamp.com

(Gratuitous plugging – I’m the vocal teacher at SummerSong Music Camp 🙂 )

Find some House Concerts and see if you can suss out the situation – play a support? Be supportive?! http://homemadejam.net.au/

Suss out events at The Lismore Conservatorium, meet some community and like minded folk.

Same goes for SAE in Byron Bay

And I think there’s an Open Mic Night at the venue at Southern Cross University in Lismore, but I could be wrong.

Head to some local choir/vocal workshop things…

Raise the Roof Choir – Run by the incredible Jessie Vintilla. So so so good. Operates around when she’s not leading the Sing the Camino Tours… One day I will do that, I swear….

Lighthouse Voices, Led by the insanely wonderful Parissa Bouas

Peter Hunts workshops, This one is in Brisbane, but he runs them in the Northern Rivers as well. Go Google that puppy.

Ladi Abundance Vocal Workshops – Byron Bay

Keep your eye out for Workshops with Tony Backhouse. He is the man.

There’s heaps of choirs in the area. More than I can even… The Northern Rivers Conservatorium Choir, Isabella Acapella, Ballina Community Choir, Headliners Choir, Awesome Voices, Happy Mountain, The Lismore Choir, The Winsome (And Soup Kitchen) Choir, The Byron Community Singers…..

Local Festival Opportunities

Mullumbimby Music Festival has two competitions- A Songwriting Competition and a Youth Mentorship Program. Get into it!

Enter the Busking Competition to possibly play at the Byron Bay Blues Festival

Enter Triple J Unearthed to possibly Play Splendour in the Grass Byron Bay, or enter the Busking Competition.

Enter the NCEIA (North Coast Entertainment Industry Association) Dolphin Music Awards, win some cool prizes, meet some local music community, and check out the local studio’s, sound guys, venue’s, rehearsal studio’s, etc etc etc.


Go sing your heart out. Tell me if you find some more, I’ll keep the list up to date if possible 🙂