This is my thank you page.

As “Where The Owl Was” fly’s away from me and my warm little home, I no longer shall secretly hide it away until the moment is right.

The moment is now. I hope you enjoy it.


Thank you’s, love and hugs to:

Dan Brown, for kicking me off my couch and making me do what makes my world right.

Mr James Boundy, you’re cool, with a capital suit and tie. Thanks for the ever easy awesome vibes.

Grant Gerathy, Pete Wilkins, Thierry Fossemalle, Stuart Currie, Sonia Leeson, Carla Versitano, Teua Houkamau, Tim Foley and Dan Brown. For playing on this album and being awesome.

Mumsie and Dadsie, for encouragement, support and advice and for getting a second puppy.

Mazza, for same as above, plus spell checking and proofreading. I completed years of uni degrees and I’ve never seen what you did before. weeeeoh!

All the Brown, Bannister, Green and Hughes Teams of happy, fun excitable people. You’re pretty much awesome.

Craig Bulley, you’re annoying and helpful.

James at Music Media in Brisbane.

Nino and Glen at Vitamin Records, you stunning people you.

Michael Worthington, Voodoo Master.

All of my students over the past few years. You all inspire me so much.

All the wonderful, crazy, inspiring people I have met through Summersong Music Camp. It’s like going home every year. xx

And all my beautiful friends, musician, artists, mums and dads, coffee makers, and crazy people. You’re fantastic.




The Puppy Queen.