We will Sing.


II       D       E7       G7       G       II


When you’re curled up in a ball

Waiting on the world

Finding the place to hide

deep down inside


II       D       F6       G       G7       II

We will sing.

just let it ring



When you’re opening

A place to grow

Planting a seed

To fulfil a need you know


We will play.

don’t be afraid



II       E-7       G-              E       G       I

We will stand, and we will play

stare love in the face

I       E-7       E7       G-       G-              II

To know the improvised belief

That music is a stunning place to live

II       D       E7       G7       G       II

We will sing.

just let it ring



When you’re hoping

For that one chance

That lifeline

A helping hand


We will write

out our life



When you know

There is nothing else

But trusting

This thing within yourself


We will create.

and hold space



II       E-7       G-              E       G       I

We will stand, and we will play

stare love in the face

I       E-7       E7       G-       G-              II

To know the improvised belief

That music is a stunning place to live

II       D       E7       G7       G       II

We will sing. just let it ring.